Category: x64

  • Adventures in Squeak: Shellcode blob function definitions x64

    This was a wild one. Recently I’ve been deploying my language to create a C2 agent in Squeak called King. This has been an interesting, and very trying process. Since Squeak produces first byte shellcode, if you hit an error or compiler does something weird, the program simply dies. This means that doing a simple…

  • Adventures in Squeak: x64 Retro

    So over the past week or two I had decided to incorporate x64 compilation for the Windows operating system for Squeak. For the most part I have completed this transition, and the MouseSpeak compiler can now target either architecture. Prior to this, Squeak could only be compiled to x86/32 bit windows. This is a list…

  • Adventures in Squeak: Do I need types? x64

    Today I’ve been trying to address an unusual behaviour in my compiler during the process of porting resulting binary from x86 to x64. One (of many) of the test binaries I create from the Squeak script GetServices.sq was failing for some reason. I needed to figure out why. GetServices.sq After compiling the binary and trying…

  • Adventures in Squeak: x64 sizeof PROCESSENTRY32

    Over the past few months I have been developing my programming language, Squeak, which compiles Squeak files into first byte executable instructions for Windows systems. Recently I have been adding support for x64 Windows in addition to x32 Windows. I ran into this frustrating behaviour while trying to calculate offsets for member variables in structs/pointer…

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